Legal Notice

The publisher is
  • Company name: HALFMOON
  • Siren number: 398544155
  • Siret number: 39854415500060 (head office)
  • Intra-community VAT number: FR01398544155
  • NAF / APE Code : Translation and interpreting (7430Z)
  • Legal form: Sole trader (EI in France)
  • Date of creation: 11-10-1994
  • Registered office: 8 RUE VILLECARTIER – 35610 TRANS-LA-FORET
  • Telephone number: 02 99 88 02 87
The director of the publication is :

M. Pierre BRUCE
answer from the contact
form of the site.

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Some images are from Shutterstock account 248233654 (VPCrazy) and Canva Premium VPCrazy

Website creation

VPCrazy is the agency that created this website.